METSÄSTYSKAUSI hunting season
Sepelkyyhkyn metsästyskausi 10.8.2019 — 31.10.2019 alkoi eilen. (Kuvan Sepelkyyhky on jäänyt haukan saaliiksi)
Eilen aamulla klo 8 kuului meidän kylän laidalta ampumista. Kovasti ihmettelen, miten asutuksen vieressä ammutaan.
Death from killers.
Poistathe rules of nature from which sentimentality is absent...
VastaaPoistaa good detail
Yeah, this belongs to nature. There is always someone who prey on something
PoistaDo you also hunt birds or animals in your country?
VastaaPoistaI hate hunters!
Hugs and greetings.
We do not hunt. Greetings
PoistaHi Anne,
VastaaPoistaSerious business! Tragedies!
Hi Maria! Too bad there are no shops in the nature for carnivores to buy, just like humans. Now they have to catch food themselves. But on the other hand, if there were no predators, everything would multiply too much and there would be problems