Kuoppaa kuopan perään!
Tulevana kesänä pitäisi tulla päällyste tielle. Tie on ollut aivan hirveässä kunnossa, hulevesi- ja putkistoremontin jäljiltä. Remontti on tänä vuonna kestänyt 3 vuotta.
That road looks as if it would make a real mess of your car, Anne! I hope they do sort it out in the summer.
The road is awful! Deep huts and lots. One good thing about a bad road is. People can't drive at speeding on the road.
That road looks as if it would make a real mess of your car, Anne! I hope they do sort it out in the summer.
VastaaPoistaThe road is awful! Deep huts and lots. One good thing about a bad road is. People can't drive at speeding on the road.