Käpytikka hakkaa nokalla pikkulintujen pesäpönttöä isommaksi! Ei hyvä! Isännän on laitettava jokin suoja pönttöön, ettei aukkoa saa isommaksi.
A woodpecker likes to drill holes and does not know that sometimes it has a negative and negative effect on others.
True! It also steals the chicks of small birds.
I was going to suggest that the opening should be protected with a metal plate - but then the woodpecker would probably just make a new hole in a different postion !
True. We have to come up with some protection for the opening by spring.
A woodpecker likes to drill holes and does not know that sometimes it has a negative and negative effect on others.
VastaaPoistaTrue! It also steals the chicks of small birds.
PoistaI was going to suggest that the opening should be protected with a metal plate - but then the woodpecker would probably just make a new hole in a different postion !
VastaaPoistaTrue. We have to come up with some protection for the opening by spring.