Sivun näyttöjä yhteensä


sunnuntai 22. joulukuuta 2024



                        Eilen illalla, ilman lämpömittari näytti -12.3°C nyt mittari näyttää +0°C.

Hoh hoijaa! Täällä lähellä on taas sudet lisääntyneet! Vähän pelottaa liikkua metsissä! Liikumme yleensä kolmistaan kuvausreissuilla. Pitää luottaa, että susilauma, tai yksittäiset sudet väistävät meitä. Yksin en uskalla enää metsään mennä!

Täällä on tosi paljon kauriita, pedot tulevat ravinnon perässä. Meidän pihassa käy edelleen kauris tai kauriita. Toivottavasti ne ei tee tuhoa puutarhassa!

Ps. Eilen illalla, pöllö huhuili jossakin ihan lähellä:-)) Pihassa on lintujen ruokinta paikka. Pöllö voi olla metsästämässä ruokintapaikalla olevia hiiriä, ja pikkulintuja. Ruokintatelineiden alla on iso saavi,  siemenet tippuvat sinne. Hiiret luultavasti kiipeää astian sisälle.

15 kommenttia:

  1. It sounds scary! The wolves are looking for food, and I guess they prefer to eat deer. I have seen mices here too. They live under the birdfeeder.

    1. Wolves and bears are really scary. There have been a lot of articles in the newspapers recently about wolves eating hunters' dogs. Wolves also move too close to settlements.

  2. Wolves are supposedly timid animals, naturally avoiding contact with humans, but accustomed to our presence. In my country they are protected because one of their roles in the ecosystem is to regulate the population of other species – including wild boars and beavers. Hugs and greetings:)

    1. True! These wolves move close to people and domestic animals.

  3. Hello Anne
    Luckily, there are no wolves here, apart from one incident a few years ago, I don't see them. But there are many, many wild boars, going to work in the morning in the dark, I've often come across them. Usually it's a herd of a few wild boars, I always try to avoid them, because there's simply no point in getting in their way. Roe deer and deer also appear, but much less often...
    So take care of yourself, it's better to wander through the forest with someone than by yourself...
    Best wishes!

    1. Hi! I don't want to encounter a wild boar up close! Our men are waiting because wild boars are visible.

  4. That does sound scary. I wouldn't go in to the forest either.

    1. There have always been large animals here, fortunately they have avoided us. We usually keep quiet when we move in the forest. If I am alone in the forest, I step on the branches so as not to surprise any large animals. There have been so many articles in the newspapers recently about the destruction caused by wolves and bears. On top of that, wolves move too close to people. Some have been tried to chase them away, but have not succeeded.

  5. Oh my goodness, it's a busy place outside with the animals, each animal comes for a purpose. Don't blame you not going out in wolves about.
    Merry Christmas to you and your family.

  6. Swans seem less disturbing ? 😉
    Meilleurs vœux !

    1. There are still a few swan families there. Luckily, the river next to it is flowing so much that the water doesn't freeze over quickly.

  7. Not fun with the wolves. Be careful. Do you carry weapons when you go hiking?

    1. In Finland we are not allowed to carry weapons. You can carry a weapon if you are a hunter and it is hunting season. A hunting license is also mandatory. You must also have permission from the landowner to hunt. Authorities, such as the police, have their own permits and weapons.
      That is why it is good to be quiet in nature, so that animals can avoid people.

    2. Typo error, it's good to make noise when moving in nature so that animals can hear you and avoid people.
