Sivun näyttöjä yhteensä

tiistai 25. huhtikuuta 2023

LEHTOKOTILO (Arianta arbustorum)


Lehtokotilot ovat jälleen heränneet!! Lumien lähdettyä pois, niitä on taas paljon!! Toivottavasti pihassa olevat rastaat, naakat ja harakat hävittävät ne jälleen tehokkaasti pois.

7 kommenttia:

  1. I hate slugs. I have some "brown slugs" / Arion vulgaris here, and they are terrible.

    1. It's a freaking slug! I hope they don't appear here in our village.

  2. I enjoy seeing the snails but no, I don't enjoy them eating my plants :) Very nice image!

    1. They're just awful. They're pretty much everywhere. Fortunately, birds and hedgehogs eat them.

  3. I see in your reply to Denise, above, that you have Hedgehogs to help with the slugs and snails. We have three Hedgehogs visiting regularly, and we now do not have a slug/snail problem - fingers are crossed!
