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perjantai 14. heinäkuuta 2023



                                             Vesisateessa! Järven vesi on aivan saven väristä!

7 kommenttia:

  1. Very beautiful! I like the lake.

    1. This lake has strangely muddy water. We have visited there regularly over the years, and the water is always the same color.

  2. Nice picture, I think it's cooler where you are. Today we have 24 degrees and I just had a nice tour in the forest. There were 32 at the weekend, but with a hat and in the shade it was great... especially since the International Folklore Festival was with us. Lots of fun, great experiences, wonderful traditional costumes from all over the world.
    Many greetings to you.
    Your photos are nice... thanks.

  3. Every place with water, a river, a lake is interesting and interesting for me. It's a nice place, it's worth preserving, even if it's a beautiful lush greenery, and it won't always be like this...
