Sivun näyttöjä yhteensä


perjantai 28. maaliskuuta 2025


Kävimme katsomassa, näkyykö metsässä metsoa The western capercaillie (Tetrao urogallus). Metso löytyi lämpökameralla suolta, kuusien takaa! Lintu oli hetken maassa paikoillaan, mutta lähti sitten lentoon. Lintu katosi näkyvistä. Kuvaan sitä en saanut. 
Vähän jännittää kohdata metso. Viime keväänä metso hyökkäsi meidän kimppuun, yhdellä syrjäisellä heikkatiellä. 

                                                     HYVÄÄ VIIKONLOPPUA!

16 kommenttia:

  1. Tiur (Norwegian name) are large birds, and they can be aggressive. Have a nice weekend!

  2. That seems like quite the adventure! Encountering a capercaillie must be intense, especially after what happened last spring. It's great that you were able to spot one with the thermal camera, even if you didn’t get a picture. I hope your next adventure is less nerve-wracking!

    You are invited to my new blog post, and have a nice Friday.

  3. That is an extraordinary looking bird. I looked him up. He looks like he would be a formidable bird! A beautiful photo and wishing you a happy weekend :)

    1. A large bird. Its sound during breeding season is pretty horrible!

  4. That seems like quite the adventure! Encountering a capercaillie must be intense, especially after what happened last spring. It's great that you were able to spot one with the thermal camera, even if you didn’t get a picture. I hope your next adventure is less nerve-wracking!

    You are invited to my new blog post, and have a nice Friday.

  5. I had to google it to see what it looked like, it doesn't look very friendly. Have a great weekend.

  6. Nice photos Anne. They are a nice looking bird, but can imagine them attaching.
