Sivun näyttöjä yhteensä

lauantai 8. maaliskuuta 2025



Heh! Kevät on tulossa, kun sinisorsat ovat ilmestyneet pieniin ojiin. Ojassa, kaatuneiden risujen alla, uiskentelee kaksi sinisorsaa The mallard (Anas platyrhynchos)  

6 kommenttia:

  1. Spring truly brings nature to life! Seeing mallards return to small ditches is such a lovely sign of the season changing. There’s something so peaceful about watching them swim under the fallen twigs, embracing the fresh energy of spring. Beautiful imagery!

    I hope you are having a great weekend. You are invited to read my new post: Thank you

  2. Spring is making way for the mallards.

  3. I looked at your photo before I read it and thought I see only a bit of snow on the road there. Enjoy your spring and it's good creatures are returning for spring and letting you know it's near spring.
