Heh! Kevät on tulossa, kun sinisorsat ovat ilmestyneet pieniin ojiin. Ojassa, kaatuneiden risujen alla, uiskentelee kaksi sinisorsaa The mallard(Anas platyrhynchos)
Spring truly brings nature to life! Seeing mallards return to small ditches is such a lovely sign of the season changing. There’s something so peaceful about watching them swim under the fallen twigs, embracing the fresh energy of spring. Beautiful imagery!
I hope you are having a great weekend. You are invited to read my new post: https://www.melodyjacob.com/2025/03/the-breathtaking-adventures-we-had-in-glencoe.html Thank you
I looked at your photo before I read it and thought I see only a bit of snow on the road there. Enjoy your spring and it's good creatures are returning for spring and letting you know it's near spring.
Spring truly brings nature to life! Seeing mallards return to small ditches is such a lovely sign of the season changing. There’s something so peaceful about watching them swim under the fallen twigs, embracing the fresh energy of spring. Beautiful imagery!
VastaaPoistaI hope you are having a great weekend. You are invited to read my new post: https://www.melodyjacob.com/2025/03/the-breathtaking-adventures-we-had-in-glencoe.html Thank you
Thank you very much.
PoistaSpring is making way for the mallards.
PoistaI looked at your photo before I read it and thought I see only a bit of snow on the road there. Enjoy your spring and it's good creatures are returning for spring and letting you know it's near spring.
VastaaPoistaIt's wonderful when spring arrives!