Geokätkö on aika hankalassa paikassa. Pienellä saarella. Talvella sinne on helppo mennä. Kesällä on ihan toinen juttu! Uiden sinne ei kiinnosta mennä. Saaren edusta on täynnä kaislaa, ja muuta kasvillisuutta. Pitäisi olla vene, että kätkölle pääsisi.
What to do ?? Watching wild, fishing, hunting ??
VastaaPoistaHi! Geocaching ( JEE-oh-KASH-ing) is an outdoor recreational activity, in which participants use a Global Positioning System (GPS) receiver or mobile device and other navigational techniques to hide and seek containers, called geocaches or caches, at specific locations marked by coordinates all over the world. The first geocache was placed in 2000, and by 2023 there were over 3 million active caches worldwide.
PoistaBeautiful post
VastaaPoistaThank you very much.
PoistaI read a Norwegian blog is very interested in this. I have never tried it.
VastaaPoistaThis is really fun!
PoistaA wonderful exercise in searching for the prize. :)
PoistaMight be a bit tricky in the winter to go there.
VastaaPoistaIt's easy to go in the winter when we can walk on the ice. In the summer it's a really tricky place.
PoistaHeavy snow! Stay warm.
VastaaPoistaThank you very much. Luckily it hasn't been very cold yet.