Le bon remède ; the fine medicine
Bonsoir AnneQue de beaux paysages ! Chez moi, il n'y a pas de neige, je vis à 433 mètres d'altitude, et ce matin, il y a avait 0° ce qui n'est pas très froid par rapport à chez toi. Bonne soirée.
Oh, there must be a great view! We are 80 meters above sea level.
Beautiful photos.
Thanks. We really like moving around that area.
Beautiful photos and awesom blue sky.
Thanks! It was freezing when we went there.
Beautiful photos and scenery in the snow along with a fire to keep you a bit warm.
That's a nice place. There's a kota there where we can grill sausages over a campfire.
Le bon remède ; the fine medicine
PoistaBonsoir Anne
VastaaPoistaQue de beaux paysages ! Chez moi, il n'y a pas de neige, je vis à 433 mètres d'altitude, et ce matin, il y a avait 0° ce qui n'est pas très froid par rapport à chez toi. Bonne soirée.
Oh, there must be a great view! We are 80 meters above sea level.
PoistaBeautiful photos.
VastaaPoistaThanks. We really like moving around that area.
PoistaBeautiful photos and awesom blue sky.
VastaaPoistaThanks! It was freezing when we went there.
PoistaBeautiful photos and scenery in the snow along with a fire to keep you a bit warm.
VastaaPoistaThat's a nice place. There's a kota there where we can grill sausages over a campfire.